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2008-08-24 07:12:00    作者:   来源:大众网  


    联系人:魏向阳 刘少斌


    1. Five-star hotel project

    1.1、项目条件 Condition

    蓬莱属海滨度假旅游城市,前几年由于致力于发展滨海观光旅游业,为保护沿海自然环境,严格控制高档楼堂馆所和高层楼体建设,因此多年来一直缺少高星级酒店项目,许多中外游客到蓬莱观光旅游和休闲度假都留下遗憾,许多国内大型、高层次会议都无法接待,甚至蓬莱市委、市政府及有关部门、企业自己召开大型会议、接待重要客人时,也无最佳场所。据统计,旅游旺季全市宾馆酒店入住率达到 90%以上,黄金季节可达100%,年均入住率达到 60%以上。因此,蓬莱决定出台最优惠的政策,采取招商引资的办法,在蓬莱市沿海一带建设一座四星级或五星级酒店,以填补蓬莱作为全国著名海滨度假旅游城市无高星级酒店的空白。

    As a seashore holiday travel city, Penglai has been devoted to developing seashore sightseeing tourism, controlling high-grade buildings, museums and high-level building construction to protect coastal natural condition for years, it has been lack of high-level hotel projects, and many tourists both at home and abroad have remained their regret when they go sightseeing and leisure holidays there. And many domestic large-scale and high-level meetings cannot be held here, even Penglai municipal committee, municipal government and relevant departments and enterprises have no best place as they hold large-scale conferences and meet VIP. It's estimated that the living rate of all hotels in the city during best tourism seasons can reach above 90%, the golden season 100% and annual average living rate above 60%. As a result, Penglai has decided to come out the most favorable polity, via investment introduction, to set up a four-star or five-star hotel along the seaside, filling up the blank that Penglai having no high-level hotels, as a renowned national seashore holiday travel city.


    1.2 Construction content and scope


    Set up a five-star hotel integrating with leisure holiday, tourism and sightseeing reception, amusement, travel shopping, catering, health and other service items, lying in Penglai golden travel section or nearby coastal golden seaside


    1.3 Total investment and funds composition


    The total investment is RMB300 million -500 million yuan.


    1.4 Economic benefit analysis


    Penglai receives over 2 million person times from both at home and abroad each year. According to living rate of big hotels of 200, 000 people per year, each person lives 2 days and spends 200 yuan (only accommodation accounted) per day, then the annual income: 200yuan×2 days×200, 000=80 million yuan. Not taking local consumptions, such as annual large-scale meeting reception and local government and enterprises, guest accommodation fees and other item consumptions into account, the investment recovery is about 5 years.


    1.5 Cooperative way


    Sole investment, cooperation or other means


    2. Seashore travel holiday village project


    2.1 Condition


    Penglai is a coastal city with mild climate, splendid scenes and tranquility, and it caters to the mind of modern people keeping away from noise and cultivating mind, suitable to leisure holidays. It lies in middle latitude and belongs to temperate zone continental climate, and there's a natural sea resort in the urban area with safe sea area, and there's no heavy industry pollution nearby with high visibility, thus it enjoys the 3S of "sunshine, sea and sand". Extending across the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, its seashore has the sisters' mountains of Danya Mountain and Tianhengshan, where Tianhengshan connecting with Laotie Mountain in Lushun as a dividing line between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, forming a unique sight of "Two seas divided by one mountain". It's relaxed and joyful to watch sunrise in the morning, enjoy moon in the evening, go swimming and fishing, watch the sea, play sand and sea as taking holidays in Penglai.


    Located in the central belt of the Bohai rim tourism golden block, Penglai can form tourism resources with neighboring areas. Within 100 km, Changshan island chains are a village-style island group, with beautiful sea island natural sight, and Penglai is a must-to-be path to travel in Changshan island chains; Nanshan mountain travel scenic spot has one of the most in the world-Forest Observation Garden of Nanshan Mountain Temple with a 28.66 m high sitting Sakyamuni copper Buddha; scenic spot of Liugong Island in Weihai is a miniature of modern Chinese politics and military and a unique navy legacy; Qixia Mou's Manor is the largest feudal lord manor in north China, with most complete storage and most typical characteristics; It takes two-hour drive to Qingdao Laoshan scenic spot that is renown for one of four famous Taoism mountains, with various features on stones, humps, trees and water. The above scenic spots in the surrounding possess northern scenic spot features and culture origin result in mountain or sea, with different advantages of its own, and all of them can be reached in 0.5-2 hours, suitable to one-day trip centralized on Penglai, with various travel forms and colorful contents.


    2.2 Construction content and scope


    Located in the north of Xiaozao Community of northeastern urban area and within travel holiday area at provincial level, this project covers a total area of 760 mu (a rectangle fine beach with 2000 m long and 255 m wide). It plans to set up three functional blocks of holiday hotels, leisure and amusement centers and sea resorts, and its construction includes a four-star hotel, golf exercise court, sea resort, leisure square, garden landscapes, etc. where the hotel covering an area of 100 mu, based on two and three-floor buildings.


    2.3 Total investment and funds composition


    The total investment is RMB200 million -300 million yuan.


    2.4 Cooperative way


    Cooperation, joint investment or other cooperative means


    3. Offshore yacht project

    1、 项目条件

    3.1 Condition


    Penglai tourism industry develops fast, with all kinds of specific tourism projects coming up, whereas, the lack of offshore leisure sightseeing amusement project is a great shortcoming in Penglai seashore holiday travel city. Therefore, there's a great market potential in developing offshore yacht project, filling up offshore leisure amusement and the sightseeing tourism project from Penglai to Changdao islands scenic spots and impelling Penglai travel industry to specific development.


    3.2 Construction content and scope


    Invest a luxurious yacht with 500 seats or so, or reconstruct working-end old boats, mainly dealt with offshore accommodation, catering, amusement, bathing, diving, fishing, trip sightseeing among scenic spots between Penglai and Changdao island, and others, suitable to medium and small-sized meetings, business negotiations, leisure holidays, etc.


    3.3 Total investment and funds composition


    The total investment is about 50 million yuan.


    3.4 Economic benefit analysis


    Penglai Pavilion receives more than 2 million tourists per year, 200, 000 tourists accounted per year, each yacht ticket 100 yuan per person and other income 100 yuan per person, then the ticket income is: 100 yuan/person X 200, 000 persons=20 million yuan, other income: 100 yuan/person X 200, 000 yuan = 20 million yuan, and annual total income 40 million yuan. If profit rate is accounted as 40%, net profit about 16 million yuan per year and the investment recovery about 3 years.


    3.5 Cooperative way


    Sole investment, cooperation and other means


    4. Fairyland International Vinery


    4.1 Condition


    As one of 7 grape coasts in the world, Penglai is one raw material planting base of 5 well-known Chinese wines, and the biggest grape planting area in China. Neighboring mountain and sea, with continental climate of Monsoon area of East Asia of the North Temperate Zone, adjusted by ocean climate, it has four seasons, with annual average temperature 11.9℃, annual temperature amplitude 10℃ or so, temperature variation from day to night 5℃ or so, annual average rainfall 606.2mm, annual sunshine time 2825.1hours and annual frost-free period of 216 days. As one of ideal areas for producing and brewing wine, Penglai has been named as " Bordeaux " of China. Currently, focusing on the subject about one of 7 grape coasts in the world, Penglai has been devoted itself to the "International Grape Sightseeing Garden" and "International Wine Village" on Penglai production area, the "Fairyland", not only for laying the foundation of building "Wine City" Penglai, China, but also for enriching ecological sightseeing tourism.


    4.2 Construction content and scope


    It's planned to invest 10 million USD to build up a 5000 T vinery and develop a grape planting base with an area of 5000 mu, mainly dealt with qualified grape planting, development, production and dry red and dry white serial high-grade wine sale, and providing sightseeing amusement places for ecological tourism at the same time. Under the premise of general planning, "World Grape Sightseeing Park" are allowed investors to develop their commercial invention at most and to exhibit the cultural features of each country.


    4.3 Preliminary economic benefit analysis


    After the project completed, it will receive 200, 000 tourists both at home and abroad per year, so it has good social and economic benefit and has high scientific research value in impelling local wine industry development.


    4.4 Cooperative way


    Sole investment, cooperation or other means


    5. Seashore ecological leisure park project

    1、 项目条件

    5.1 Condition


    Lying in the northernmost of Penglai Economic Development Zone, Xingrui Village is located on the golden seashore of the intersection between the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Neighboring Penglai new harbor in the east, and facing Penglai Pavilion in the west, it has superior geographic situation and fantastic natural scenery, thus it suits to setting up a seashore holiday tourist spot. In recent years, Xingrui Village has made certain progresses in ecological planting, aquiculture and processing construction, in terms of the principle of combination with the primary, secondary and tertiary industries and the concept of mutual utilization and development. It has also added ecological agriculture and fishery leisure holidays. Currently, the project in the 1st phase has completed the construction of precious aquatic products and poultries cultivation farms, Xingrui Village, Qibao Winery, ecological agriculture, fishery, seashore holiday village, etc., standing out planting, cultivation, processing, trading and sightseeing and tourism as a whole, the completion of eating, living, traveling and shopping, and the realization of self-production and full-greening of traveling, catering and shopping, etc.


    5.2 Construction content and scope


    Xingrui Village is wholly designed as a seashore holiday center integrating with ecological planting, aquiculture, tourism sightseeing and leisure amusement, and planned to build up 8 gardens in terms of the 8-immortal legend, with each garden showing up one immortal's story and legend. It's a new feeling for tourists that the whole park integrates with tourism culture, planting and aquiculture culture, ecological culture, 8-immortal culture, west journey culture and travel real estate, and the latest concept with China ancient culture legacy out of space. There're 8-immortal sculpture style apartments built in each corners of the village, where setting up 79 villas and expanding public equipment, water, road and other auxiliary facilities. These 8- immortal sculpture style apartments and villas are offered as leisure place for tourists by hotel operation, and part of them for sale.


    5.3 Total investment and funds composition


    The total investment of the project is 117 million yuan, of which eight 8-immortal sculpture style apartments 16 million yuan, 79 villas 78.75 million yuan, public facilities such as water and power projects, road construction project, greening project and 8-immortal park construction 10 million yuan, land levy 10 million yuan (now characterized as 30-year contract) and advertisement promotion (the TV series called 8 Immortals Return Home) 2 million yuan.


    5.4 Economic benefit analysis


    Receiving 500, 000 tourists each year, each ticket accounted for 50 yuan, then annual income accounts to 25 million yuan; in the operation mode of property hotel, 8-immortal sculpture apartments sale earns 24 million yuan and villas sale 116 million yuan; shopping supermarkets and amusement places earn 1 million per year, and the total income of the above operation comes to 166 million yuan. If 20% of the total income as operation and management fees, the income in the first year can reach 133 million yuan; if the construction period as one year accounted, the investment recovery can be 2 years approximately.


    5.5 Cooperative way


    Joint investment, cooperation and other cooperative means


    6. Golden Port Hotel project


    6.1 Condition


    Located in the northwest end of Penglai urban area, facing Penglai Pavilion in the east and neighboring the biggest ocean polar world project, connecting with the special travel ports (Penglai port) from Penglai to Changdao Island, Dalian and Lushun in the north, closing to Penglai Haibin Dadao in the south and facing the west garden of Penglai Pavilion in the west, the project is a golden section of seashore holiday travel. Under the approval and support of municipal government for development and construction, the project belongs to the reconstruction of old city, and its removal mainly includes two municipal affiliated enterprises. At present, the using land of 64 mu and its attachments of the project in the 1st phase have been removed completely, and its construction scheme has finished its planning design. The municipal government plans to come out various specific favorable policies to set up a symbolized high-level star hotel integrating with seashore holiday, harbor leisure, travel sightseeing, business meeting, travel shopping, etc. in the seashore travel port city, via investment introduction.


    6.2 Construction content and scope


    The project id divided into two phases for project construction, where the project in the 1st phase includes Golden Harbor Hotel and commercial walk street and in the 2nd phase real estate development.


    Golden Harbor Hotel. With a total construction area of 20455 m2, the project sets up one underground parking lot, with an area of 9705 m2, having 259 parking spaces and 2 entries and exits and forming smooth loop traffic. The 1st floor of the hotel has a construction area of 3850 m2, closing to the seashore belt, and arranges aquatic sports club and children water amusement place; in the port square, arrange fruit, aquatic products, small wares and vegetable wholesales markets connecting with commercial walk street; in the west side, set up business unloading area, to distinguish goods flow of commercial stores from customers flow in the east side of square; in the south side, arrange parts of lobby of four-star hotel; in the west side, arrange a two-floor sea-view restaurant both for hotel auxiliary service and business operation isolation. The 2nd floor of the hotel has a construction area of 3400 m2, with multi-functional meeting rooms and sauna bath center as well as auxiliary service facilities. Its 3rd floor has a construction area of 1405 m2, and an open-air roof swimming pool is designed with wide roofing of sea-view restaurant. The 3rd floor and above shall be set for more than 110 high-grade guest rooms.


    Central walk street. The project has a total construction area of 22000 m2. Its buildings run north to south, and a walk street in the middle and retail markets at both sides; business and catering are mainly dealt on the 1st and 2nd floors, and small-sized guest rooms, business offices and apartments on the upper floors; the walk street, 17 m wide and 13m in part, with 4 entries and exits, set in the four directions of walk street, and it neighbors the port in the north, with game playing halls and other amusement facilities for tourists break and amusement when they wait in the port; business offices and small hotels in the west adopt the court-style, which small scattered pattern is not only convenient to isolate operation, but also to lighting and ventilation, vertical greening by bottom roof platform, office and accommodation environment and space level and commercial value improvement. In the west side, there's a vehicle route for function and fire fighting.


    6.3 Total investment and funds composition


    The total investment of the project in the 1st phase plans to be RMB300 million -500 million yuan.


    6.4 Cooperative way


    Joint investment, cooperation, sole investment or other cooperative means


    7. High-grade travel scenic place (spot) project


    7.1 Condition


    Lying in the northernmost of Jiaodong Peninsula, Penglai is located in the dividing line between the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. It's a "Excellent Chininese Travel City" with many scenic spots and historical sites, long history culture, strong folk custom, numerous mythical legends and vivid seashore features. It owns important historical and cultural reservation units at state level like Penglai Pavilion, Penglai Water City, Qi Jiguang Native Place, nearly hundreds of key historical and cultural reservation units at provincial and municipal levels, where Penglai Pavilion scenic spots firstly listed in travel scenic spots at state 4A level.


    Tourism is a traditional trade in Penglai. Over several years' development and accumulation, its sightseeing tourism has been mature, especially, in recent years the tourism industry has become a backbone industry, leading industry and thriving industry in Penglai economic development.


    Over many years' accumulation and development, Penglai has been ranked in the most popular travel destination in China, and at present, it's impelling tourism industry from sightseeing to holiday styles. Hence, the municipal government is making huge investment to foster basic facilities of holiday travel, and striving to make preparations for receiving seashore leisure holiday industry. Meanwhile, the high-level sightseeing amusement travel project for seashore holiday is to be built up by favorable policies for attracting investment, and by making full use of the tourist advantage of about 2 million people in Penglai per year, to strengthen its travel industry scope. Presently, its municipal government has made a long-term plan to reserve land used for some travel projects for attracting foreign investment by characteristic travel project.


    7.2 Construction content and scope


    The planned introduced investment construction can fill up the specific travel scenic place (spot) of current Penglai travel projects, with large scope, healthy content, high science and technology factors, meeting modern people 's spirit demand and consumption psychology for leisure amusement, as well as strong radiation and attraction for neighboring areas.


    6.3 Cooperative way


    Sole investment, cooperation and other cooperative means


    Large amusement and entertainment center project




    Penglai is a modern beachscape tourist city, Chinese excellent tourist city, famous scenic spot at state level, provincial historic and cultural famous city with 3 key historical and cultural relics under state protection such as Penglai Water City, Penglai Pavilion and Qi Jiguang memorial archway. It has advantaged tour resources as a seashore vocation resort, which accepts tourists at home and abroad of over 2 million each year. Therefore tourism has become the pillar and prosperous industry of Penglai's economy. The comprehensive income of tour possesses over 10.4% of the whole city's GDP, and local finance and taxation contribution rate reaches over 30%. Currently it is promoting the transfer of tourism from tour to vocation type.


    After the project is completed, give full play to the advantage of annual averaging 500 thousand commerce population and 2 million tourist population, fill up the disadvantages functionally of Penglai tourism and further develop and expand tourism scale and efficiency.


    8.2、Construction content and scope


    Large amusement and entertainment center is planed to site within Penglai seashore vocation key regions and seashore golden area. It closes to the sea in the north, neighbors scenic spots such as Penglai Pavilion, etc. in the south with a total area of about 100 mu.


    This project, mainly operating top grade amusement activities, bathing cultural activities, culture and art activities, sports, special catering, shopping, etc., is a large comprehensive entertainment one integrating knowledge, amusement, fun and participation as a whole. After its completion, it can meet the requirements of various groups of commerce guests, vocation tourists and guests from neighboring cities at different levels of different kinds, satisfy the guests to the largest extent and therefore enable them to prolong their time in Penglai.

    3、总投资 2-3亿元

    8.3、Total investment

    200-300 million yuan


    8.4、Economic benefit analysis


    Receive 60 million yuan per year, 300, 000 tourists accounted per year, 200 yuan per person, the payback period is 3-5 years.


    8.5、Cooperative way


    Sole investment, joint venture, cooperation or other means





